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Connections Course Part 2: Life Design

Part 2: Life Design

March 19 - 22, 2020




Mar 19: Registration 10:00am; Course 11:00am - 12:00am*
Mar 20: Course 11:00am - 12:00am*
Mar 21: Course 11:00am - 12:00am*
Mar 22: Course 11:00am - 7:30pm*

*Note: All ending times are approximate



Course Description:


It is highly recommended to get the most out our trainings that you take Life Design immediately following the Freedom Course.  In Part Two: Life Design, the deeper work with self continues.  In 4 full days, you are challenged to bust through the roadblocks that keep you from fully expressing your authentic self, to create a new relationship with the concept of fear, and to re-discover the true inner self that has been hiding behind the emotions, beliefs, stories, and excuses that have kept you from finding your true power and purpose in life.

In this deep and profound course, you will have the opportunity to break through to your core self, let go of and honor your past, connect with others on a deeper, more intimate level, and release the beliefs and experiences that have held you back from living the life you were meant to live.  By then end of this course, you will have discovered the key to your own personal power, fully experienced your unblocked, authentically-expressed self, impacted and inspired others, and shattered roadblocks on your way to creating a lasting and fulfilling life. Many of our students have shared that their experience in Life Design was one of the most profound and life-changing events of their lives!

TUITION COST: $1997 $997